Wednesday, October 16, 2013

JV/Varsity Dessert Banquet

Hello, everyone!

Please put on your calendars the following regarding the end-of-season banquet:

What: JV/Varsity Boys Soccer Dessert Banquet
Where: High School Cafe
Who: all JV/Varsity players and parents/guardians
When: Tuesday, Oct. 29/6:30 P.M.
What to bring: dessert to pass per family...along with own beverages/utensils
What to wear (players): business casual/pseudo-dress up

Looking forward to hopefully seeing everyone there to celebrate the end of a successful boys soccer season!

Coach Robinson

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

7-1 District Loss to Holland.....


I'm proud of you all...and especially proud of my six seniors. We lost to a talented, veteran, seasoned team tonight in Holland. There's no shame in that...none.

We'll talk more, but please know right now that a coach couldn't be more satisfied with your overall efforts than I am tonight as I write this.

Thank you all for a great season!

We'll meet in my classroom right after school on Thursday to turn in all uniform/soccer items, have our last team talk, etc. We'll be finished no later than an hour once everyone arrives.

Keep those heads up, guys!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Schedule for Upcoming Week...

Hi, everyone.

Really hope you've had a restful, rejuvenating, positive visualization-heavy weekend thus far!

Here goes for District week coming up:

**Monday...practice 3-5 for weekly alternating captain...visualize dinner at Snay's (630 PM).

**Tuesday...visualize success...bus leaves at 5 at 6 PM (at Holland)... shock the world...beat Holland.


Boys, please believe me that we've first got to win the battle in our own heads before we can win the battle on the field this Tuesday. In other words, EVERYONE HAS TO BELIEVE THAT WE CAN DO THIS or else the game is already lost. Spread the positive vibes, everyone!

"Your life will go in the direction of your thoughts."

Faith: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material belief in the unseen.

Do we (all of us) have "faith" in beating a more talented team even though we have no evidence of a "win" in our past against the Hollands of the world?

Get ready...see you all soon.