Saturday, September 23, 2017

Upcoming Week!

Happy weekend, all! Hope all is well in the soccer fam.

Can't wait to spend another full week with all you boys on our continued upward journey this season!

Time is ticking....

Here's the tentative schedule for the upcoming week:

**Monday: game @ Byron Center...wear black jerseys in in my at 3:30...bus leaves at 4:15...Dereck = team meal/vid....wear official gray for warmup...will be another hot day! BUS RIDE HOME = OPTIONAL.
**Tuesday: 3-5 PM training...wear black.  DISTRICT DRAW WILL BE ANNOUNCED!
**Wednesday: home game vs. Holland in my room by 3 PM...Nick = team meal/vid...Dereck/George = ball boys...wear gray.
**Thursday: 3-5 PM training...wear black....VOLLEYBALL GAME OPPORTUNITY??
**Friday: 3-5 PM training...wear gray...GRADE CHECK!

Time (and opportunity) is of the essence, guys. As already mentioned, Hamilton soccer has been known to FINISH STRONG each season. We will follow suit! Still LOTS to prove...:)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

1-0 Loss @ Holland

It's a step in the right directions, boys! BUT....we are NOT satisfied. See ya tomorrow!

Monday, September 18, 2017

6-0 Loss @ Unity

As mentioned after the game, fellas, we were not the better team TONIGHT.  But again, the beauty of soccer is that all we have to do is be the better team on the given day of a match against whichever team we are playing. We'll saddle back up and try that approach on Wednesday at Holland...after getting better during training tomorrow on the turf. Keep the faith, and Go Hawkeyes!