Saturday, August 15, 2009

Shirts for Monday...

All players should wear WHITE training shirts for practice Monday. We'll rotate back and forth all week...Tuesday/black, Wednesday/white, etc.

Friday, August 14, 2009


...after our last day of tryouts today:

1.) Congrats to everyone for a job well done these past three days in the heat and sun. Overall, the work ethic and attitude were great, and that just makes us coaches that more excited to work with all of you this season.

2.) We're looking forward to having some fun at the beach tomorrow. Please be on time! If you're not sure where Tunnel Park is, it's located on Lakeshore in Holland, just south of Lakewood.

3.) Be sure to READ through and STUDY up regarding the boys soccer guides you received today at the conclusion of our practice. A lot of time and effort was put into that, and it's the key to understanding EXACTLY what's expected of a Hamilton Hawkeye male soccer player at any age level. BRING the guide with you to practice on Monday! By the way, the second to last page of that guide provides you with the SHIN GUARD REQUIREMENTS for this season and beyond. Please take notice and make purchases accordingly.

4.) Remember that $25 is due (cash or check made out to Hamilton High School) for each player to next Tuesday for the game socks and training shirts you received today. If any individual simply cannot come up with that amount or needs to exchange sizes of shirts, please see any of the coaches ASAP.

5.) In addition, remember that your "other Hamilton soccer apparel" order forms and $$ are due by next Friday if you choose to partake.

6.) Monday of next week is a busy day for all players with the following items on the agenda: practice from 9-noon (Varsity players should plan on spending the last portion of practice in Coach Robinson's room for a team meeting which may go a bit beyond noon), JV Holland Rescue Mission trip (required...transportation is provided) from 3:30-6-ish PM, and Parent Night for all parents at 7 PM (JV in Coach Stieper's room, Varsity in Coach Robinson's room).

7.) For Varsity players as a future heads-up for next Saturday, the 22nd, here is the game schedule for our QUAD TOURNAMENT that day: Hamilton vs. Kelloggsville @10 A.M. (game field), Hamilton vs. Allendale @ 11:30 A.M. (game field), and Hamilton vs. Hastings @1:00 P.M. (game field). Each team will play 3 games of 30 minute halves with 10 minute halftimes and 20 minutes between games. Any tie will be resolved by a shoot-out. Further details for the JV tournament that day are still pending.

8.) For any other items on the schedule, please refer to the updated schedule you received at the conclusion of practice today.

We're all looking forward to a GREAT start to the official "team" season!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Friday and Saturday Reminder...

Friday: Practice 9-noon...the last portion of practice will be spent picking teams for the sand soccer tourney on sat. After practice, plan on sticking around, heading into the junior hallway of the high school, and waiting a bit for us to call you into my classroom where the coaches will fill you in on your situation with the soccer program. Everyone should be all set and ready to leave by about 1 pm, give or take a few mins.

Saturday: Sand Soccer tourney at Tunnel Park from 9 am to noonish. A picnic lunch in the park will be provided for players after the competitions on the beach....THANK YOU PARTICIPATING PARENTS! Please keep in mind that certain individuals may need help with car-pooling that morning. Of course, friends and family of players are more than welcome to come out to the beach and watch the games!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Congrats... the top 3 Iron Man Contest winners from today: MATT ROUWHORST, R.J. FLOWERS, and CONNOR HAGEN.

Way to set a great example, guys! We look for more great things from you guys in the future.

PS. Don't miss the post just below.


Please scroll down and remind yourself of the Wed., July 15 post. Add these important dates to your calendar and clue your parents in!

Great job on the first day of tryouts today, guys. There was overall improvement all around as compared to last year.

See you tomorrow by 9 AM sharp!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Guys, for the next number of days of training, PLEASE remember to bring PLENTY of extra WATER for yourselves...especially with some of the heat and sun coming our way.

See you all soon!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Official First Day of the Season... on Wednesday, Aug. 12. Here is the schedule for the day:

8 AM-11 at the high school track with running shoes and water for the beginning of the Iron Man Contest. We will proceed eventually over to the tennis wall and game field area for the rest of the contest. Please have soccer cleats and indoor soccer shoes in your possession for this part of the contest.

11 and lunch (not provided). Players may choose to hang out in Coach Stieper's classroom inside the high school during this time if they so please.

1 PM-3PM...scrimmage time on the practice and varsity fields between ALL ages.

NOTE: players MUST have physical forms on file in the high school BEFORE Wednesday morning or else they will NOT be able to practice.