Saturday, September 17, 2016

Upcoming Week

We've reached the halfway point of the regular season already, soccer fam! Time flies!

As a coach, I'm really looking forward to an even more fruitful latter half of the season for all involved--on and off the field.

Let's keep improving, supporting each other, focusing on success, and making it happen with our actions and words!

Here's the tentative schedule for this upcoming week:

Sunday: optional, informal team training??
Monday: game @ Zeeland East..."dress up" in in my room by 3 PM...Christian = team meal...wear black team shirts, etc.  Bus leaves at 4 PM.
Tuesday: 3-5 PM practice...wear gray...TEAM DINNER AT HUKILL'S AT 5:30 PM.
Wednesday: game @ Unity...what to wear in school = in my room by 3 PM...Noah = team meal...wear black...bus leaves at 3:45 PM.
Thursday: 3-5 PM practice...wear gray.
Friday: 3-430 PM practice with MS teams...WEAR THIS YEAR'S BLACK TEAM SHIRTS.

Notes: (1) Congrats to Bryce DeVries for having been named by his peers to be this coming week's alternate team captain due to his "physical toughness" as of late. (2) Night of Nets shirts will be available to players this coming Monday. More details at our team meeting in my classroom. (3) Hudl footage of Zeeland East is available online. Check out this season's Sept. 3 match between Z.E. and H.C. (4) Pay special attention to your newest "soccer responsibilities" for this upcoming week! (5) This week's team theme is "ENERGY": bring it each and every day in everything you do!

Big week ahead of us for a variety of reasons!

Let's do it!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

5-1 Win vs. Z.West

Feels good to accomplish a team goal, doesn't it???

Let's keep truckin' and all the while avoid COMPLACENCY at all costs! 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Upcoming Week

Greetings, soccer fam! Hope all is well?

Lookin' forward to another great week of school and soccer...and our first full week of the school year! Excited?! :)  Make sure we're taking care of business in the classroom!

This week on the soccer field takes on a bit of extra special meaning as we have a chance to accomplish one of our three team goals revolving around our home match vs. Z. West on Wednesday: improving on our conference record from last season. Can't wait to see you guys do your very best to meet this challenge--on the practice field, on the game field, and in every other context imaginable! Keep training those minds and bodies for SUCCESS.

Here goes with the upcoming tentative schedule for the week:

**Monday: 3-5 PM practice...wear gray.
**Tuesday: 3-5 PM practice...wear black.
**Wednesday: home game vs. Z. West...wear gray...what to wear in school = TBD...Dylan = food/video...Bryce/George = ball in my classroom by 3 PM.
**Thursday: 3-5 PM practice...wear black.
**Friday: 3-5 PM practice...wear gray.

Notes: (1) Congrats to Logan Hilldore for again being selected by his peers as this coming week's alternative captain for his mental toughness and communication skills. (2) After the boys voted on Friday to decide that we earned two "puzzle pieces" as a team, another two are on the line this coming week--one of them being a "re-do" from two weeks back! (3) Please constantly keep in mind that this week's team theme is PHYSICAL TOUGHNESS! (4) Stay tuned for another email with further explanation of our "Night of Nets" charity event slated for our home game vs. Hopkins on Oct. 5. (5) Boys! Soccer responsibilities on point this coming week! Plan ahead and get 'er done. :)

Let's take another few steps forward this week in all that we do, everyone!