Saturday, August 27, 2016

Upcoming Week...and More!

Greetings on this stormy Saturday, all! I hope this note finds you all well and that the weekend is great.

We've got quite the monumental week coming up here: first OK Green conference games, three games total, and a chance to make some serious noise. :)

Here is the tentative schedule:

**Sunday: informal/optional team gathering???? Up to you guys...
**Monday: home game vs. Unity...wear gray and all in my classroom by 3 PM...Jacob Shelton = meal/video...Jacob Merrill/Will = ball boys (find subs!).
**Tuesday: practice 12:30-3:30 PM...wear black.
**Wednesday: game @ Holland...wear gray and all in my classroom by 3 PM...Seth = meal/video...bus leaves at 4 PM.
**Thursday: home game vs. Wayland Varsity game at 4:45 PM...wear black and all in my classroom by 2 PM...Brady = meal/video...Nolan/Logan= ball boys (find subs!).
**Friday: 9-noon practice...wear gray.
**The next Monday (LABOR DAY): required 5-7 PM practice...wear black.

Boys, we have a chance to do some things this season. This coming week will be a gauge as to where we're at as a team, with our team goals, with our personal goals, with our direction! Can't wait to see you guys meet challenges head on and proceed up (or down?!) that sand dune! :) DREAM BIG, BELIEVE IT, VISUALIZE IT....DO IT! :)

Notes: pay special attention to your newest "soccer responsibilities" coming up here this week (shed guys, practice set-up, etc.)...congrats to Riley Coffey for having been selected by his peers as this coming week's "alternate team captain"!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

8-0 Win vs. Saugatuck

For the most part, way to take care of business today vs. Saugatuck, boys. Please ALWAYS remember to keep that competitive spirit alive and practice good soccer habits no matter the opponent!

On to the next one....and it's a big one: UNITY.

Let's do this.

1-0 Loss to Allegan

Gentlemen! Despite the "loss" on the scoreboard last evening, I really believe that we took a small step forward as a team and as a program. As you know, our program "mission statement" listed near the top of this page urges all of us to compete with any team on any given night...and to do it was class. I truly believe we accomplished both of those overall goals last night vs. a talented Allegan team. Job well done!

Now, on to our first home game of the season....BEAT SAUGATUCK!