Saturday, October 17, 2015

Upcoming Week

Greetings, everyone! Hope the weekend has already been a great one.

HUGE week coming up this week on the soccer field for obvious reasons. Let's do some positive damage! We CAN do it!

See below for the schedule (some of it tentative):

**Monday: 3-5 PM practice...wear black.
**Tuesday: DISTRICT game at T.K. (7 PM)...what to wear in school = TBD...gray warm-up meeting at 3:30 PM in my room (be fully dressed as we will quickly head out to the game field for a photo-shoot of sorts with Bryce's sister, Morgan)...pre-game meal in my room at 4:15 PM...bus leaves at 5 PM.

T.K. prep (based on hudl footage as well as...turf field (like Holland)...4-4-2...sub-par GK...back line shaky...defender takes goal kicks...decent central midfield players and forwards...forward attacking tandem a bit disjointed but creative with the ball...even with backs to the net. WE CAN WIN THIS GAME!

**Wednesday: 3-5 PM practice...wear black (tentative)
**Thursday: DISTRICT game at Plainwell (field turf) vs. Wayland (7 PM)...more details to come, but I would imagine a similar after-school schedule as Monday (tentative).
**Friday: 3-5 PM practice (tentative)
**Saturday: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP AT PLAINWELL VS. ?? (7 PM)...(tentative)

Note: Congrats to Andrew Caswell for having been selected by his peers last week as this week's alternative captain. Well done, sir!

Also players, in addition to re-sent T.K. hudl footage, stay tuned for an individual email from yours truly regarding sincere thoughts on ways that YOU, yourself, can help the winning cause this coming week.

Take care, all, and let's keep fighting!

Friday, October 16, 2015

7-0 Loss to H.C.


All eyes on T.K.! The past is the past, and the great thing about post-season play is that every team in the state, NO MATTER THE PAST, is 0-0 currently. That should be invigorating for us from here on out!

What a great opportunity we have starting next Tuesday to leave positive marks on the season. Visualize, believe it, and make it happen!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

4-1 Loss to Byron Center


Mental toughness is extra key for us from here on out! I thought that may have been the biggest difference between us an our opponent last night. We're going to need a huge dosage of that tomorrow in our last home game of the season. And we can do it!

See you all for practice: another chance to get better.