Saturday, September 16, 2017

Upcoming Week

Saddle up, boys! Time to rise up to a challenging week ahead, yes?? Can't wait to see it and help along the way. Winning mindsets all around!

Here goes with the tentative schedule for the upcoming week:

**Monday: game @ Unity...DRESS UP in school...bus leaves at 3:45 in my classroom at 3 PM (vote on puzzle pieces/Dirty Shirt from last week)...wear black training tops...Dylan = meal/vid.
**Tuesday: 3-5 PM training...wear gray.
**Wednesday: game @ Holland...bus leaves at 4 in my classroom at 3:15 PM...wear black....George = meal/vid.
**Thursday: 3-5 PM training...wear gray.
**Friday: 3-430 training (with MS teams)...wear black.

Max effort, discipline, attention to detail, organization, belief, and team spirit this week, boys...with a bit of magic mixed in! Go Hawkeyes! 

3-0 Win @ Hopkins

Time for another shot at the "adult table" next week, boys! 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

2-0 Win vs. Z. East

Nice job of taking care of business tonight, boys. The question continually remains: are we GOOD or are we GREAT?!! Next up is Hopkins. Go Hawkeyes!

Monday, September 11, 2017

3-0 Win @ Z. West

Way to start the week off in the right way, guys! Proud of your overall effort tonight in many regards. Let's keep this ball rollin' this week and keep working for the "sweep"!