Monday, October 26, 2015

Season Wrap-up


Ok, boys, once again: thanks for a great season, thanks for the memories (especially from this past week), and thanks for being you's! :)

Was a PLEASURE to experience a bit of Hamilton history with you this past week. Hope you all had as much of a blast as I did!

Two important dates to keep in mind at this point:

**Tuesday (tomorrow): team meeting in my classroom from 3-4 PM. Bring ALL clean uniform items...warm-ups, both sets of jerseys, captain bands, backpacks, etc. Dylan and Christian, see you promptly right after your driver's ed. training.

**Tuesday, Nov. 3: Program-wide Dessert Banquet...6:30 PM in the high school cafeteria. Please dress nicely, bring a dessert to pass, and provide beverages/table settings for your family. Hope to see you all there, so that we can end this season in a fitting way heading into the off-season!

Let's keep this thing rollin' in a positive way, everyone!

Thanks again for all the hard work this season!