Monday, August 10, 2009

The Official First Day of the Season... on Wednesday, Aug. 12. Here is the schedule for the day:

8 AM-11 at the high school track with running shoes and water for the beginning of the Iron Man Contest. We will proceed eventually over to the tennis wall and game field area for the rest of the contest. Please have soccer cleats and indoor soccer shoes in your possession for this part of the contest.

11 and lunch (not provided). Players may choose to hang out in Coach Stieper's classroom inside the high school during this time if they so please.

1 PM-3PM...scrimmage time on the practice and varsity fields between ALL ages.

NOTE: players MUST have physical forms on file in the high school BEFORE Wednesday morning or else they will NOT be able to practice.


  1. Ill be gone the first week of try it still possible 4 me 2 try out?

  2. Regarding the above comment, whomever this is, please email me at as soon as possible so we can "talk".
