Sunday, October 4, 2009

Theme and Quotation of the upcoming week:

Guys, tomorrow (Monday) truly marks a NEW BEGINNING for us as a team; that is, 'tis the (post) season! It's time to forget about all of the mistakes--physical and mental--of the recent and more distant past, re-energize ourselves, and look ahead at the great potential for team and individual success. As far as we should be concerned, our team record right now is 0-0...clean slate. Now, let's do our best (in practice, warm-ups, and games) to re-invent ourselves in a way and truly make every effort to play to our potential!

In honor of this theme ("new beginning"), here is a quotation from then-prominent author Anais Nin that you should respond to with thoughtful words by this Wednesday at 7:30 A.M.

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death."


  1. As we go through being a team we can stay were we are and not get any better or we can keep going and become better and win

  2. People have to keep evolving and changing or eventually they will wither away. Our team can't wither.

  3. If life is a process of becoming then we need to become a team that plays to its potential 100% of the time. To not do this is a sure way to end our season early or "die" as a soccer team. If this is our final state lets at least go out with a bang.

  4. In life, you constantly have to be changing to keep up with society and to stay alive. That is what we need to do as a team, we need to keep changing so that teams won't figure us out if we send the through ball every time. If we don't change, they will figure us out and it will be a sudden death for us. We as a team need to be consistant with playing to our potential but not too consistant as we play for them to figure us out. So lets go and change our team for the better by practicing hard and playing with a greater intensity. Lets finish our season with a BANG!

  5. In life you will never reach your destination you can always become something more. when you fail at something it's because you chose to stop becoming and stay where you currently are. As a soccer team we can't stay where we are, we need to keep "becoming" a better soccer team.

  6. lets forget about our losses and start over and finsih the year off like we should

  7. Zach's comment:

    We have to build on our soccer experiences to grow as a team. We have to take each lesson to heart and decide to change as a program/team in order to have success. If we don't, we will fail.

  8. Jared's comment...

    If we want to have success, we must not accept to fail. We must try to get out of failing or "death" by trying our hardest at practices and warm-ups and bring those to games. Then, we will be in the process of becoming.

  9. we need to evolve and play to the best of our ability, so we dont have potential, because if we have potential that means we arent playing to the best of our ability

  10. Now I'm not considered a "veteran" on the team but I think it's safe to say that we've had a shaky past. This is a chance to toss that aside and work harder than we have ever before. This is where we become that team that we wanted to be at the beginning of the year, but better

  11. We must evolve as a team if we want to do better. It is essential that we step up as a team and perform in this new part of the season.

  12. As we become closer as a team and going through these up and down parts of the season we must overcome these problems. We must work our hardest and with the effort comes the prize of winning. so we can either keep going and become the meaning of EXCELLENCE or stay where we are and remain AVERAGE and never exceed our potential.

  13. Hunter's comment:

    We need to get in a state that allows us to play to our full potential. This will allow us to win.

  14. Josh's comment:

    The postseason is a new beginning for us. We have to throw away the bad things of the regular season and start fresh. If we choose to stay where we are, then we won't advance. However, if you move on through the death or rebirth, we can succeed.

  15. Connor's comment:

    Let's have a fresh start and have a new birth into the soccer field and let's start postseason off with a bang. Let's knee Zeeland East like a new fawn doe. Let's get a win baby!

  16. Justin's comment:

    To me, it means that we must turn a new leaf and FINISH games/postseason strong.

  17. I think the quote warns against complacency and says it is good to ALWAYS try to improve yourself.
